Wouldn’t it be great to have ONE person help get you out pain, write a strength plan and answer all your health & wellness questions?
Durham, you’re in luck because this is what Physical Therapy is at Functional Phyzio
We’ve recently had an influx of clients looking for someone who can help guide them through their health & wellness journey. Not only someone who can help them get out of pain and finally get rid of that tight hip flexor but someone who can also help them progress beyond where they are now.
Now, there is a ton of information out there on all of these things, BUT it can be really hard to sift through and know exactly what is the right plan for you. That’s why investing in a physical therapist can be exactly what you need.
Now, people typically think physical therapy is only for injuries. Previously yes, and if you’re going to an insurance based clinic typically insurance won’t pay for preventative & wellness services (which makes no sense because that would actually save them money too but that’s a topic for another day).
Here in Durham, people are realizing that physical therapists have way more to offer than just getting you out of pain.
A good physical therapist can help you not only get out of pain but also feel & move better by designing a customized plan, providing you with tools & education around sleep, nutrition and stress management and being there for you to take care of aches and pains before they become a problem. Let’s dive into each of these categories a little more
Write a personalized workout plan
All of our physical therapists have experience with strength & conditioning, not to mention they actually practice what they preach and exercise themselves. This means that they can assess your training plans for holes and help you fill those in, or come up with an individualized plan for you to follow. This goes beyond a piece of paper with a couple of banded exercises on it. We utilize dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, and functional body weight movements in our plans and thoughtfully craft together the combination of perfect exercises so you can push yourself, get stronger and progress all without pain!
Sleep & Recovery
You might not be overtraining but under recovering. What does that mean? Well, your body needs good, quality sleep each night in addition to periods of lower intensity training. If you aren’t sleeping well this means your body is missing out on a vital piece of recovery. Since our Durham physical therapists take a holistic approach to your health we understand the value of sleep when it comes to recovery. We can help you figure out why you may not be sleeping well, provide education and tools to help you sleep better and help you adjust your training schedule to allow for recovery days.
Stress Management
In combination with sleep, managing your stress is also a key area that is often overlooked. So many people know that stress can negatively affect them but don’t actually realize the toll it has on their body when trying to recover from an injury, not to mention it can be harder to push yourself during a workout if your system is already fatigued from stress.
Seeing a physical therapist who understands the impact of stress and can provide education on this side of recovery makes such a difference. It’s a huge light bulb moment for so many patients when they realize how their mind is affecting the body and it’s honestly a relief for them because many times they feel like they have been doing “all the right things” but simply acknowledging that mind body connection starts to help them feel better and see their injury in a different way.
A great way to start working on stress management and calming the nervous system is to perform basic breathing exercises. Many people do really well with this simple technique and it’s an awesome way to relieve neck, shoulder & jaw tension!
Get Rid of Nagging Aches & Pains
Remember, you DON’T HAVE TO BE IN PAIN TO SEE A PHYSICAL THERAPIST. Working with a physical therapist regularly can help you take care of those little aches and pains along the way and keep them from becoming bigger issues. Dry needling cupping and soft tissue mobilizations are all excellent ways to decrease muscle tension, improve blood flow and speed up recovery!
Nutrition Basics
While are aren’t registered dieticians (and have a great referral network for more in depth help) we do know the role nutrition plays in recovery. If you aren’t eating enough or eating the right kinds of foods it can negatively impact you. Our Doctor of Physical Therapy training provides us with a foundational knowledge of macronutrients which allows us to assess and make recommendations on your current diet.
Nutritional education can include anything from how much to eat, timing, low inflammatory foods and hydration (psst this one is super important, especially for any type of pelvic floor issues).
Your Ultimate Guide
So there you have it, how a physical therapist can be your one stop shop for all things injury, training & recovery! Physical Therapy at Functional Phyzio goes beyond what is traditionally thought of as PT and many clients continue to work with us on a regular basis because they absolutely love the progress they are continuing to make!
Ready to find your ultimate coach? Book a free 15-minute intake call with our team. On this call we’ll chat more about you, your goals and how Functional Phyzio’s approach may be right for you!